In this Article we will go through how to get the tomorrow date only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const tomorrow = (d => new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)))(new Date);
In this Article we will go through how to get the total number of days in a year only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const numberOfDays = year => (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0)) ? 366 : 365;
In this Article we will go through how to get the weekday of a date only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const getWeekday = date => ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'][date.getDay()];
In this Article we will go through how to get the yesterday date only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const yesterday = (d => new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1)))(new Date);
In this Article we will go through how to initialize the current date but set time to midnight only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const midnightOfToday = () => new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
In this Article we will go through how to sort an array of dates only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const sortDescending = arr => arr.sort((a, b) => a.getTime() > b.getTime());
const sortAscending = arr => arr.sort((a, b) => a.getTime() < b.getTime());
In this Article we will go through how to check if an element is a descendant of another only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const isDescendant = (child, parent) => parent.contains(child);
In this Article we will go through how to check if an element is focused only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const hasFocus = ele => (ele === document.activeElement);
In this Article we will go through how to check if the touch events are supported only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const touchSupported = () => ('ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch);
In this Article we will go through how to check if user scrolls to the bottom of the page only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const isAtBottom = () => document.documentElement.clientHeight + window.scrollY >= document.documentElement.scrollHeight;