In this Article we will go through how to swap two array items only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const swapItems = (a, i, j) => a[i] && a[j] && [...a.slice(0, i), a[j], ...a.slice(i + 1, j), a[i], ...a.slice(j + 1)] || a;
In this Article we will go through how to unzip an array of arrays only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const unzip = arr => arr.reduce((acc, c) => (c.forEach((v, i) => acc[i].push(v)), acc), Array.from({ length: Math.max( => a.length)) }, (_) => []));
In this Article we will go through how to zip multiple arrays only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const zip = (...arr) => Array.from({ length: Math.max( => a.length)) }, (_, i) => => a[i]));
In this Article we will go through how to add am pm suffix to an hour only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const suffixAmPm = h => `${h % 12 === 0 ? 12 : h % 12}${h < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'}`;
In this Article we will go through how to calculate the number of difference days between two dates only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const diffDays = (date, otherDate) => Math.ceil(Math.abs(date - otherDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
In this Article we will go through how to calculate the number of months between two dates only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const monthDiff = (startDate, endDate) => Math.max(0, (endDate.getFullYear() - startDate.getFullYear()) * 12 - startDate.getMonth() + endDate.getMonth());
In this Article we will go through how to compare two dates only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const compare = (a, b) => a.getTime() > b.getTime();
In this Article we will go through how to convert a date to yyyy-mm-dd format only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const formatYmd = date => date.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
In this Article we will go through how to convert seconds to hh:mm:ss format only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const formatSeconds = s => new Date(s * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8);
In this Article we will go through how to extract year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a date only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const extract = date => date.toISOString().split(/[^0-9]/).slice(0, -1);