In this Article we will go through how to create an array of cumulative sum only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const accumulate = arr => => value => sum += value)(0));
In this Article we will go through how to create an array of numbers in the given range only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const range = (min, max) => [...Array(max - min + 1).keys()].map(i => i + min);
In this Article we will go through how to create cartesian product only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const cartesian = (...sets) => sets.reduce((acc, set) => acc.flatMap((x) => => [...x, y])), [[]]);
In this Article we will go through how to empty an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const empty = arr => arr.length = 0;
In this Article we will go through how to find the closest number from an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
// Find the number from `arr` which is closest to `n`
const closest = (arr, n) => arr.reduce((prev, curr) => Math.abs(curr - n) < Math.abs(prev - n) ? curr : prev);
In this Article we will go through how to find the index of the last matching item of an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const lastIndex = (arr, predicate) => arr.reduce((prev, curr, index) => predicate(curr) ? index : prev, -1);
In this Article we will go through how to find the index of the maximum item of an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const indexOfMax = arr => arr.reduce((prev, curr, i, a) => curr > a[prev] ? i : prev, 0);
In this Article we will go through how to find the index of the minimum item of an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const indexOfMin = arr => arr.reduce((prev, curr, i, a) => curr < a[prev] ? i : prev, 0);
In this Article we will go through how to find the length of the longest string in an array only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const findLongest = words => Math.max(...( => el.length)));
In this Article we will go through how to find the maximum item of an array by given key only using single line of code in JavaScript. This is a one-line JavaScript code snippet that uses one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function
Let's define this short function:
const maxBy = (arr, key) => arr.reduce((a, b) => a[key] >= b[key] ? a : b, {});