Unity Shader Graph

This is a visual cheat-sheet for the Unity Shader Graph. This tool is used to create custom shaders material in Unity, a popular game engine.

#Shader Graph Nodes

We are using SAIT to indicate the output type is "same as the input type".

#1. Attributes


Position - provides vertex position

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Provides vertex position

Normal - supplies surface normal direction

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Provides surface normal

World Position - returns the object's world space position

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 World space position

Object Position - returns the object's local space position

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Local space position

Screen Position - returns the object's screen space position

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Screen space position

Camera Position - returns the camera's world space position

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Camera world space position


Time - outputs various time-related values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Time (T) - The total elapsed time since the start of the shader
    Float Sin Time (T/8π) - A sine wave based on time
    Float Cos Time (T/8π) - A cosine wave based on time
    Float Delta Time - Time passed between the previous frame and the current frame

#2. Math Operations

#Basic Math

Add - adds two values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    First value
    Second value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT Sum of the two inputs

Subtract - subtracts one value from another

  • Inputs

    - - -
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT Difference of the two inputs

Multiply - multiplies two values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    First value
    Second value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT The product of the two inputs

#Advanced Math

Power - raises input to a power

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Float Base
    Float Exponent
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Result of base raised to the power of the exponent

Sqrt - square root of input

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Float Input value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Square root of the input

Abs - outputs absolute value

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Input value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT Absolute value of the input

Dot Product - calculates dot product between two vectors

  • Inputs

    - - -
    First vector
    Second vector
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Dot product result

Cross Product - calculates cross product between two vectors

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector3 First vector
    Vector3 Second vector
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Cross product result


Sin - outputs sine of input

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Float Input in radians
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Sine of the input

Cos - outputs cosine of input

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Float Input in radians
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Cosine of the input


Lerp - linear interpolation between two values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Start value
    End value
    Interpolation factor (T)
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT Interpolated result

Step - creates a step between two thresholds

  • Inputs

    - - -
  • Outputs

    - - -
    SAIT Step result

#3. Color Processing

#Basic Color Manipulation

Color - provides a constant color value

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 RGBA color value

Add Color - adds two color values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 First color
    Vector4 Second color
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Sum of the two colors

Multiply Color - multiplies two color values

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 First color
    Vector4 Second color
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Product of the two colors

Lerp Color - interpolates between two colors

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Start color
    Vector4 End color
    Float Interpolation factor (T)
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Interpolated color

#Color Adjustment

Saturation - adjusts the saturation of input color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Float Saturation factor
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Adjusted color

Contrast - adjusts contrast of input color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Float Contrast factor
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Adjusted color

Hue - shifts the hue of the input color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Float Hue shift amount
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Color with shifted hue

Invert Colors - inverts the input color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Inverted color

Replace Color - replaces a specific color in the input with a new color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Vector4 Target color
    Vector4 Replacement color
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Color with replaced values

White Balance - adjusts the white balance of input color

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Float Temperature value
    Float Tint value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Adjusted color

#Channel Operations

Channel Mixer - modifies color channels independently

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Input color
    Float Red channel multiplier
    Float Green channel multiplier
    Float Blue channel multiplier
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Modified color

#4. Texture Processing


Sample Texture - retrieves color data from texture

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Texture (sampler) Texture input
    Vector2 UV coordinates
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Color data from the texture

UV - provides UV coordinates for texture mapping

  • Inputs

    - - -
    / No inputs
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector2 UV coordinates


Tiling Offset - adjusts tiling and offset of texture

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector2 Tiling values
    Vector2 Offset values
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector2 Modified UV coordinates

Distortion - warps the surface of the object

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Float Distortion strength
    Vector2 UV coordinates
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector2 Warped UV coordinates

Parallax - simulates depth using parallax mapping

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Texture (sampler) Input texture
    Vector2 UV coordinates
    Float Depth value
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector2 Adjusted UV coordinates

#5. Effects

#Visual Effects

Fresnel Effect - creates a glow effect on object edges

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector3 View direction
    Float Power of the effect
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Float Fresnel effect value

Dissolve - generates a dissolve transition effect

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Texture (sampler) Input texture
    Float Dissolve threshold
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector4 Dissolve effect output


Reflection - reflects based on surface normal direction

  • Inputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Incident direction
    Vector3 Surface normal
  • Outputs

    - - -
    Vector3 Reflected direction

#Custom Function Node

#Steps to Create a Custom Function Node

  • Step 1: Add Custom Function Node in Shader Graph

    • Right-click in Shader Graph and choose "Create Node" > "Custom Function".
    • Choose between "String" (for inline HLSL code) or "File" (for an external HLSL file).
  • Step 2: Configure the Node in Shader Graph

    • Set the name of the node.

    • If using "File", ensure the external HLSL file name exactly matches the function name defined in the HLSL file. This ensures the function is correctly referenced in the Shader Graph pipeline.

      Example: If the file is named CustomFunction.hlsl, the function inside it should also be named CustomFunction.

  • Step 3: Add Inputs/Outputs in Shader Graph

    • Define the required Inputs and Outputs for the custom function in Shader Graph. These will automatically generate ports for you to connect other nodes.


      • Inputs: Float (time), Vector3 (position)
      • Outputs: Vector3 (new position)

      In the custom HLSL code, the in and out parameters correspond to these inputs and outputs:

      • in represents the data coming into the function (e.g., time, position).
      • out defines the return value (e.g., modified position).
  • Step 4: Write HLSL Code

    • If using the "String" option:

      • Directly write the HLSL code inside the custom function node editor in Shader Graph.

      • Ensure that the in and out parameters match the inputs and outputs you defined in Shader Graph.

      • Example of inline code (using "String" mode):

        float3 CustomPosition(in float time, in float3 position, out float3 newPosition) {
          newPosition = position + float3(sin(time), cos(time), 0.0);
          return newPosition;
    • If using the "File" option:

      • Write the HLSL code in an external .hlsl file and reference the file in Shader Graph.

      • Example of an external HLSL file (using "File" mode):

        1. 1. Create an HLSL file named CustomPosition.hlsl.

        2. 2. Write the custom function inside the file. The in and out parameters should match the Shader Graph inputs and outputs.

        float3 CustomPosition(in float time, in float3 position, out float3 newPosition) {
          newPosition = position + float3(sin(time), cos(time), 0.0);
          return newPosition;
        1. 3. Save the file in your project directory, for example, Assets/Shaders/CustomPosition.hlsl.

        2. 4. Link the file in Shader Graph:

        • In the Custom Function Node, switch to "File" mode and reference CustomPosition.hlsl.
  • Step 5: Use the Node in Shader Graph

    • Connect the custom function node’s input ports to other nodes, such as Time and Position, to feed data into the custom function.

    • Connect the output port to apply the function result in the Shader Graph pipeline.

    • Example Pipeline:

      • Inputs: Time (as a float) and Position (as a vector)
      • Outputs: Modified Position (vector with new position)

      This would make the custom node update an object's position based on time in the shader.

#Also see